Monday, May 9, 2011

Mother's Day Tribute

A tribute to one of the strongest, most inspiring women I have ever known. Elizabeth P. Messina
January 7, 1916-October 14, 2010

Betty Messina (94 years old) at my father-in laws, her son's 60th Birthday Party.

Week 13 Apple Blossom

An overexposed picture of our Apple tree in bloom. I just loved the dream like effect this image captured.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Week 12 The Magic of Spring

Say what you will about New England, some love it, but allot of us complain about the dramatic weather, myself included at times; but there is nothing quite like our change in seasons. I feel as though the older I get, the more magical Spring seems, year after year. Which is odd, because with most other things in life age has dissipated the magic a bit, but not with Spring. At times the beauty and energy it creates can be a bit over whelming as the colors, smells and old familiar landscapes take hold once again, familiar but also so foreign as winter slowly recedes. I am fascinated. In awe of natures wisdom and truly never tire of it's show. Spring is a time for us to open up not just our windows but ourselves, as nature dances around us in this most
glorious time of year.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Week 11 peeling back the layers

Ever since we bough our first home, Aaron and I have been talking about beginning the daunting task of taking down the wallpaper that has covered the walls (in every room). While we have lived with it for several years, we finally had enough of the stripes in the living room and were ready to take it on and make it a top priority. I think we were both terrified of starting this project and getting in over our heads with this very time consuming task, but the paper just had to go!!

To our surprise the project went as smooth as it could go.....Maya was a great help too. One of the hardest parts was actually picking a color that we all could live with. To my surprise we ended up picking a fabulous blue/gray called "ozone" and we love it!!

Monday, March 28, 2011

Week 10 Lot's of Tree's.

Tree's and the super moon combine for a eerie effect.
(Below) Branches reflect the early spring light, appearing almost wet as they reach towards the sun's warming rays.

Perhaps my largest source of inspiration; trees. I absolutely am obsessed with all types of tree's. From their various silhouettes, shadows and colors all things tree's make me feel connected, rooted and refreshed.

Week 9 Best Friends for life

Sister's sharing a moment on an early spring day.

Week 8 Super Moon

This March we experienced a "super moon" and it was the perfect chance for me to practice some more lunar photography, always a rewarding yet challenging task.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Week 7 100th day of School

This year has marked a great transition in our lives as our oldest daughter Maya has begun her school career. While anticipation was high, and Maya in general has enjoyed her days at school, this year has proven to be an adjustment for us all. Kindergarten is not what it used to be a mere twenty years ago, and I am continually blown away by the amount of work and learning expected of today's five year old. This February marked a major day in their year as they celebrated the 100th day of school!!! Wow!! Already halfway to being a first grader and despite my attempts at slowing her childhood down, Maya is continuing to blossom right before our eyes.

A few weeks ago I happened to catch Maya in deep conversation (with my mother) for now.... and it struck me at just how mature she seemed....and while she still has many years of being a child ahead, I know they will go by in a blink of an eye and I will long for these simpler days in her childhood.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Signs of Spring

Anyone who has experienced a New England winter, knows that this year has been particularly long, cold and very snowy. Most can not survive happily in such a climate, and at times can be very trying, and just when you think you can't take anymore, nature reveals signs of hope, and just like that new life appears. It is with this new life every year I am in awe of nature, and it's cyclical ways. Yesterday I happened to glance down and see this poking through our little garden, a brave and welcome sign of what is to come.
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Friday, February 4, 2011

New Friends Week 5

Eden received a beautiful Japanese fighting fish for her second birthday, and was absolutely thrilled by her very own pet. Needless to say it did not take long for Suzy to notice the newest member of the house. I walked into the living room to see her like this......moments later her innocent, harmless curiosity turned into aggressive pawing (almost successful) aiming to knock the vase onto the floor. Today Suzy spends most of her day trying to figure out how to get the fish.
Just two images I thought of sharing as part one of week 5.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Week 4 sister love

Eden patiently waiting for her best friend and sister to come home from school. Standing on the ottoman gives her the perfect perch to see the bus on a cold, snowy, windy day. Wings upside down and all, capture her warm, silly, loving personality. The love between Maya and Eden is indescribable, but as they say a pictures worth a thousand words.

Snow Baby week 3

Snow Baby

It's hard to believe that two years ago this week we welcomed Eden Clair Messina into our lives, on a snowy Sunday morning two days before my predicted due date. I was awoken with very painful contractions around 5am and to my surprise Maya and Aaron were both already awake. Sure enough my water broke shortly after and the contractions came hard and strong, much faster then with the first. Despite our best efforts to call family and request childcare for Maya no one was answering and we were running out of time to get to the hospital to meet our midwife. I quickly made the decision that Maya was coming along, and off we went to the hospital. Tom Cruise would have been less then thrilled with my laboring sounds and all I can remember is Maya holding her hands over her ears yelling at me to be quiet. She was happy to join the nurses upon our arrival and off she went to color until family arrived to care for her while we welcomed Eden, her little sister, into the world. Eden Clair arrived within two hours, enough time for my mom and close family friend to arrive for the swift and "easy" birth. I say easy because comparatively to Maya it was a piece of cake.

So here we are two years later, graced with an enormous blizzard that we coined Eden's blizzard and am amazed at how much and how little everything has changed.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

When it snows you have two choices, shovel or make snow angels

I was able to catch my oldest daughter Maya, and my youngest daughter Eden making snow angels together after the first snow of the season. Maya is five and Eden will be two this month, snow is new all over again for her.

New Year Project

I have decided to try a 52 photography project for the year 2011. My goal is to take and post one picture a week that both inspires and signifies whatever happens to be going on in my life. First I thought a 365 day photo project would be allot of fun, but also perhaps a bit unrealistic, so I will start with this and perhaps next year take on a 365 day project. Here I will upload and journal my photo's, a place to reflect, look back and hopefully preserve some special memories over the 52 weeks and months of 2011.

Lately I feel my photography has been inspired by varying themes and focuses. As a photographer I strongly believe my job is to step back and be as unobtrusive as possible in order to capture those candid moments as they happen. So my first theme is inspired and entitled " when no one is watching" I especially love those moments I oversee or hear my daughters playing or interacting as though no one is around, in complete uninterrupted imaginative play.